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Finite-Element Analysis


MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation

ConceptFEA, an integrated ANSYS module, performs linear static or modalanalysis locally on the desktop. ConceptFEA has an extensive elementlibrary that includes both linear and quadratic 3-D solid, shell, planestrain, plain stress, and axisymmetric elements. Interfaces to ANSYS,Patran, and MSC/NASTRAN are available. A translator is available toproduce RASNA input for p-adaptive modeling. Post-processing includesshaded stress contours, deformation, animation, customized data output,and mode shape displays.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: ConceptSolids, ConceptMaterials, ConceptFEM
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation
900 Chelmsford
Lowell, MA 01851
Phone: (508) 453-5310
Fax: (508) 458-2541